Living Like Jesus Pt. 10 | Grief

In this message we looked at New Testament Scriptures that reference Jesus' tears and how His tears reveal His tender and grieving heart. Knowing that grief will be a part of life until we reach the fullness of God's presence in Heaven, we are invited to embrace and navigate our own grief.

*The beginning of this message was cut off. Please forgive our technical difficulties!

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Living Like Jesus Pt. 8 | Stay Connected to the Vine

In living like Jesus, how can we adopt a Godly sense of dependence when our culture emphasizes individualism and self-reliance? We must actively pursue an intimate connection/relationship with Christ thru consistent communication (prayer/bible reading/community with each other), even during times of pruning to produce good “fruit” (good works stemmed from Christlike character). It’s only through living a life connected to the SOURCE, we glorify God through Christlike character in service to each other.

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Living Like Jesus Pt. 1

In our first week of the "Living like Jesus" series, we look at one of the overlooked realities about what it means to live like Jesus - which is to be human. The divine makes his home with the stuff of life, the material, the embodied, the soil becomes holy ground. When we look at how to live like Jesus we pause to push back against the temptations to be purely theoretical or philosophical and remember we are created human, and it is good.

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Vision Sunday 2023

On Vision Sunday each year the LBCF leadership reveals what they sense is the movement of God's spirit and the direction for the upcoming year. Our pastoral team shared a vision of returning to foundational language in our community and seeing how those will be lived out in the community now. Words like adoption, ambassador, and abundance as well as our slogan "learning to live and love like Jesus" will be anchors but this year will be teaching and planning around how those values live out practically.

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Advent: Amazing Love

In this Advent message, we see that God's love is amazing because it always involves a covenant. From the very beginning, he marries us, and calls us his bride. It's not silly, and it's not easy, but it is true and good. It involves suffering, which always has joy in the midst of it. Let's none of us settle for less.

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Advent: Peace

As we focus on Christ this Advent season we see in Ephesians it is Christ who is called our peace and we look at how the incarnation is not a self-help guide to quell our troubles, but an immediate and intimate presence amidst chaos in the person of Jesus.

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Rhythms for Wisdom in the Midst of Chaos: Discernment, Jesus' Way

(note: unfortunately, the recording experienced a glitch throughout, we apologize for this distraction and inconvenience). Jesus's way of interpreting the Bible isn't as easy as we think it is. His ways of using scripture are deeply challenging. It is easier, after all, to read scripture for what we want to see than for what he wants us to see. How did he read and view scripture? Jesus brought to them an awareness as to how God was acting in their present time...he brought them to the God of the now, not the God of then. He did this by taking time aware for silence and prayer and to listen to the Father. He did this by reading and meditating on his sacred scriptures. He did this in the company of others, he had a spiritual community. He did this by deep deep dependence upon the Holy Spirit and then promised us that we would have that same Spirit.

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